“I come from grinding, tanned…”
Using the famous lyrics of “La Molinera” (The Mill grinder) as reference, this tribute to folk music (while maintaining a perspective of current times) was born. In it, present and tradition merge to reread our roots and hallmarks.
The renowned dancer and choreographer Sara Cano (with her eclectic trajectory that ranges from Spanish dance to flamenco, going through contemporary dance or folk) proposes a show in which people connect, dance, and feel in a plural space of dialogue where dance flows beyond forms and tags, departing from the root of our folklore.
With “Vengo”, Cano elaborates on the idea of folklore as a lively and changing art, open to evolution, that connects with the present to conciliate where we come from and where we are going.
Direction and choreography: Sara cano
Interpreters: José Alarcón / Yolanda Barrero / Juan Berlanga / José Capel / Cristina Cazorla Daniel Morillo / Verónica Garzón / Begoña Quiñones / Ana Del Rey / Soujung Young
Folklore adviros: Javier García, Noemí Orgaz y Guadalupe Mera
Moment advisors: Veronica Garzón and Begoña Quiñones
Percussion masters:Eliseo Parra, Alba Chacón and Luis García Valera
Voice coach: Alberto Echevarría
Preexisting music: Eliseo Parra, Coetus ,Leillía, KALAKAN,Vigüela, La Ronda de Motilleja
Original music: “En la raíz de los sueños”. Letra: Alberto Funes, Voz: Eliseo Parra
Stage: Patricia Ruz
Lights design: Cristina Libertad Bolivar
Soung design: Jorge Díaz “Roy”
Costune design: Elisa Sanz
Costume execution: Dolores Durán and María Calderón
Props: Oscar Alonso y Carlos Arrabal
Production assistant: David Arrabal
Distribution: Elena Santonja · esmanagement.es