MUJER DE PIE In Mujer de Pie two singers, a male dancer, and a female dancer, each with their unique background, come together to communicate in a shared space. Experimental music, flamenco, dance, presence, and maturity speak of the idea of reinvention, of resilience, of celebrating life, of being and continuing to be.
As the writer and poet Ledo Ivo said, "Here I am, waiting for silence." But this is not a requiem. It's not a song of death but an ode to life. An ode to life that, despite its deaths - some minor, some profound - continues to flow like a small spring that gushes water, carving its path. Here I continue, forging my path, seeking the void, seeking the abyss... Searching, always searching.
Direction: Sara Cano
Choreography and Performance: Sara Cano · Ricardo Moro
Dramaturgy Adviser: Kai Alejandrx
Performance Adviser: Antonio Queimadelos
Original Music: Alexei Starodubtsev · Alberto Funes
Live Voice: Alberto Funes · Fran Al-Blanco
Texts: Chantal Maillard y Michèle Najlis
Lighting Design: Irene Cantero
Costume Design: Dolores Durán · Lourdes Bergada · Adolfo Dominguez
Photography and Graphic Design: marcosGpunto
Vídeo: Eva Viera
Production: Sara Cano Compañía de Danza · Comunidad de Madrid
Management: Elena Santonja ESMANAGEMENT